Amazing Women Whom You Never Known

Bangalore: There are plenty of women in this world who can inspire your little daughters for their future. But not many are known to us as some of them like to stay back from the media and continue achieving in their life. Some have put their entire life in serving the people while some has created records by breaking their own records. So, for your knowledge, here are few women reported on the ‘msn living’ website whom you never known before. These women can become the role models not only in a woman’s life but also to one and all who desire to achieve something in their life.

1. Rachael Scdoris:

Rachael is a blind lady from the United States and you can’t know this fact, as she is an expert in dogsled race. She was born with a hereditary vision disorder that can’t be corrected at all. Even though she has this problem, she has never put herself back in achieving her desired goal. In the year 2006, she became the first ever legal blind person to have completed the 1,600 kilometers Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race across the Alaska state which can be called as a toughest challenge.